Gli Stati Uniti hanno più di 161mila contagiati e oltre 3mila morti. E come sappiamo li contano ‘alla cinese’. Presto saremo noi a dovere aiutare loro.
Trump a Conte:100 mln per lotta a Covid Gli Usa invieranno all’Italia apparecchiature e strumenti per la lotta al coronavirus “per cento milioni di
Lo ha ribadito il presidente Trump, aggiungendo di averne discusso al telefono con il premier italiano Conte.
“Giuseppi (roferendosi a Comnte) era molto felice. Loro (in Italia) stanno
attraversando un momento difficile”, ha dichiarato Trump durante la conferenza
stampa sul coronavirus alla Casa Bianca pronunciando il nome del premier come l’altra volta al plurale, “Giuseppi”.
stampa sul coronavirus alla Casa Bianca pronunciando il nome del premier come l’altra volta al plurale, “Giuseppi”.
Gli Usa non curano nemmeno i loro cittadini, non hanno né mascherine né tamponi. Né abbastanza terapie intensive, dubitiammo a questi annunci seguiranno azioni reali.
E poi Giuseppi dovrebbe finirla di chiedere l’elemosina a destra e a manca perché non è stato in grado di prepararsi per tempo. Cacci gli 85mila clandestini dagli hotel e usi i soldi per la lotta al coronavirus invece di umiliare l’Italia nel mondo.
Gov. issues stay-at-home order for South Florida -- through mid-MayApril..
Virginia Statewide Order 'Until June 10'...
Prolonged Shutdowns Ahead...
Tampa megachurch pastor arrested after leading packed services...
Video: Hundreds of cars wait in line at Pennsylvania food bank...
New Yorkers who break distancing rules face fines...
Record number of 911 calls...
UPDATE: Field hospital set up in Central Park...
Queens Stadium to Be Converted Into Temporary Unit...
Dead bodies loaded into trucks...
Hamptons Houses Now Luxury Bunkers...
Secret 'Doomsday' Ranch In Colorado Sees Spike In Interest...
Doctors Warn Virus Persists 8 Days After Symptoms...
Giving Birth In Time Of Pandemic 'Absolutely Terrifying'...
FORD, GE to produce 50,000 Ventilators in 100 Days...
PELOSI RIPS TRUMP: 'As the President fiddles, people are dying'...
Testing, testing, testing...
Make-or-Break Week...
Nurses Die, Doctors Fall Sick, Panic Rises on Front Lines...
Megachurches Still Packing In Crowds...
Elderly woman dies after smacked for not social distancing...
Domestic Abuse Calls Skyrocket...
Police Break Up Funeral In Chicago...
IRS orders office evacuation, affecting most agency employees...
Trash Industry Braces for Deluge of Infectious Waste...
AMAZON to run daily temp checks on workers...
WHOLE FOODS employees planning nationwide 'sick-out'...
Dolly Parton Says Pandemic Message From God: Holding Us Up To Light...
Virginia Statewide Order 'Until June 10'...
Prolonged Shutdowns Ahead...
Tampa megachurch pastor arrested after leading packed services...
Video: Hundreds of cars wait in line at Pennsylvania food bank...
New Yorkers who break distancing rules face fines...
Record number of 911 calls...
UPDATE: Field hospital set up in Central Park...
Queens Stadium to Be Converted Into Temporary Unit...
Dead bodies loaded into trucks...
Hamptons Houses Now Luxury Bunkers...
Secret 'Doomsday' Ranch In Colorado Sees Spike In Interest...
Doctors Warn Virus Persists 8 Days After Symptoms...
Giving Birth In Time Of Pandemic 'Absolutely Terrifying'...
FORD, GE to produce 50,000 Ventilators in 100 Days...
PELOSI RIPS TRUMP: 'As the President fiddles, people are dying'...
Testing, testing, testing...
Make-or-Break Week...
Nurses Die, Doctors Fall Sick, Panic Rises on Front Lines...
Megachurches Still Packing In Crowds...
Elderly woman dies after smacked for not social distancing...
Domestic Abuse Calls Skyrocket...
Police Break Up Funeral In Chicago...
IRS orders office evacuation, affecting most agency employees...
Trash Industry Braces for Deluge of Infectious Waste...
AMAZON to run daily temp checks on workers...
WHOLE FOODS employees planning nationwide 'sick-out'...
Dolly Parton Says Pandemic Message From God: Holding Us Up To Light...
Speriamo che il re di Israele sia in pausa covfefe così almeno ci evitiamo questa figura di cacca.