domenica 31 maggio 2020



Ricordiamolo sempre: la marmaglia è il Moloch, che non ha un cervello e non ha un’anima. Il cervello è l’apolide globalista per eccellenza.
Tutto già noto da anni. Quello che sorprende è che ripetano sempre lo stesso errore. La violenza aumenta le fila dei ‘razzisti’ e cementa la maggioranza silenziosa intorno a Trump. I bianchi sono ancora il 73 per cento della popolazione e l’80 per cento degli elettori.
Movimenti come e (entrambi finanziati da ) non fanno altro che aumentare la segregazione razziale e la distanza tra i gruppi etnici negli , fomentando violenza e caos. Il sta affilando le armi in vista delle prossime elezioni.
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Afroamericani bruciano e sputano sulla bandiera degli Stati Uniti d'America: la chiamano "libertà d'espressione". Un po' come i terroristi islamici, anche loro di solito bruciano la bandiera americana. Contrari alla civiltà.
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They deleted it, but I grabbed it already.

Shout out to this fedex driver who is making damn sure we get our packages.
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NYPD appear to flee in cars while rioters rush in to attack. Similar scenes were repeated last night in Portland.
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BREAKING: man critically injured at Dallas riots

It appears he attempted to defend a shop with a large sword

Looters ran at him, then he charged rioters

They then beat him with a skateboard and stoned him with medium sized rocks

I called an Ambulance and it’s on the way
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Things escalated quickly.

Someone was arrested, a fight broke out in the center of the crowd
Officers began to fire pellets into the crowd, causing a brief panic on the ground. A brick was then thrown at a passing patrol car, smashing a window."
Visualizza altri Tweet di Dogz Bollox🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Right Wing News
I was at Downtown Oakland protests a little while ago. Let me say something; the people breaking glass, breaking into windows & starting fires were WHITE men wearing all black. They had hammers and walkie talkies. They were organized. BLM protestors did not start the violence!
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The official narrative being rewritten by Democrats is that it can’t be antifa & extreme leftists behind the violence. Or BLM. Instead, it is blamed on phantom “white nationalists.” If they believed this, they wouldn’t be supporting jail funds for the people arrested.
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The National Guard has been released in Minneapolis to do the job that the Democrat Mayor couldn’t do. Should have been used 2 days ago & there would not have been damage & Police Headquarters would not have been taken over & ruined. Great job by the National Guard. No games!
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BREAKING: man critically injured at Dallas riots

It appears he attempted to defend a shop with a large sword

Looters ran at him, then he charged rioters

They then beat him with a skateboard and stoned him with medium sized rocks

I called an Ambulance and it’s on the way
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en gros, le monsieur Afro-américain dit aux antifas qu'il apprécie leur soutien, mais qu'il faut qu'ils arrêtent de foutre la merde car ce n'est pas leur territoire.. Mais à part ça l'extrême-gauche n'est pr rien dans ces émeutes... hmm hmm
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4 jours après la mort de : la garde nationale est déployée ici et un couvre feu sera appliqué à partir de ce soir 20h, heure locale.
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Le policier de Minneapolis filmé en train de plaquer au sol George Floyd, a été inculpé «de meurtre (au 3e degré) et d'homicide involontaire». Derek Chauvin a été démis de ses fonctions et placé en détention provisoire 
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🇫🇷 Meurtre de : polémique après les propos d'Alain . "il n'y a pas strangulation. (...) si c'est vraiment un malabar comme ça a été décrit... Il y a sûrement quelque chose de pathologique".
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Mort de George Floyd: Un commissariat de Minneapolis incendié


This is the photo I took right before and then during getting hit
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I came back out. This is my neighborhood. You can see flames for a mile and feel the heat from a block away
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LATEST: AutoZone in Minneapolis set ablaze by rioters; several other stores looted as police stand down
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Black Lives Matter protestors attack a police cars on the 101 freeway in LA during a protest against the death of George Floyd

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